Latest Posts on ESG with Keyword “sasb”

Thumbnail for post Dynamic ESG Materiality Appraisal
ConceptJiulin Teng
Dynamic ESG Materiality Appraisal
18 Oct 2021 · ESG materiality is a dynamic construct, due to the heterogeneity in the environment in which a company operates and to the continually-evolving nature of each materiality issue. Investors can leverage AI to conduct ESG materiality appraisal dynamically.
Thumbnail for post Aligning ESG data using NLP
ConceptZakaryae Boudi
Aligning ESG data using NLP
22 Jul 2021 · ESG data is getting more complex with diverse structured and unstructured sources. These sources relate to multiple indicators, ESG dimensions, and other standard classifications such as SDGs and SASB material aspects