2023 Is the Right Time for Investors to Upgrade Their ESG Information Systems

Published by Jiulin Teng on 13 Dec 2022 · Keywords: 2023esginformation-systemsopportunity
There is no denying that the world economy is going through a hard patch. Many investors have eased their efforts on ESG, preferring to focus on positioning themselves financially to take advantage of the inevitable recovery. An aspect that many investors overlook, however, is that they can also position themselves technologically to take advantage of the inevitable re-emphasis of ESG in investment:
2023 is the right time for investors to upgrade their ESG information systems so that when ESG returns to the fore they are in a stronger position than the competition.
Some investors may ask, ‘Why should I spend on something that I’ll only need in the future?’ The reason is twofold: One, an ESG information system best suited for tomorrow’s complex, intense, and ever-evolving needs takes time to develop and deploy. This involves not only a conventional database and user consoles but also real-time big data collection, processing, analysis, and representation; AI plays an important role in governing and adapting these steps for your evolving needs, while Web3 and Blockchain may be leveraged for data verification and much more. At the same time, each investor has their own logic, and the ESG information system adapted to their needs should reflect that. Tuning all these is both science and art, and sufficient time is needed for the system to evolve into an effective one.
Two, to be able to take full advantage of this type of ESG information systems takes time for a user. It is a new skill set that must be grown over time. Crucially, investors can feed back into the engineers of ESG information systems so that the system, as mentioned before, adapt to their logic.
For these reasons, we believe that now is the best time to start investing in a scalable ESG information system. We emphasize scalability because the foundations of such system must reserve interfaces for future features and needs that will arise, even if many remain unforeseen.
Precisely as many investors shelf their ESG efforts and overlook investment in ESG capabilities for the future, those who do invest sufficiently will reap disproportionate benefits in the next economic cycle.