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Thumbnail for post 2023 Is the Right Time for Investors to Upgrade Their ESG Information Systems
Jiulin Teng
2023 Is the Right Time for Investors to Upgrade Their ESG Information Systems
13 Dec 2022 · 2023 is the right time for investors to upgrade their ESG information systems so that when ESG returns to the fore they are in a stronger position than the competition.
Thumbnail for post Vogosen Adds New Free SDG Goal Identifier Tool to the List of Free ESG Tools
Jiulin Teng
Vogosen Adds New Free SDG Goal Identifier Tool to the List of Free ESG Tools
25 Jan 2022 · Vogosen is pleased to announce that a new SDG Goal Identifier Tool has just joined our ESG Materiality Mapping Tool and SASB-SDG Mapping Tool in our list of Free ESG Tools.
Thumbnail for post Vogosen Announces Plan to Open-Source SDG Text Classification AI
Jiulin Teng
Vogosen Announces Plan to Open-Source SDG Text Classification AI
02 Jan 2022 · Vogosen is finalizing an SDG text classification AI algorithm, which we look forward to releasing as open source software in the coming weeks.
Thumbnail for post Privacy Policy
Jiulin Teng
Privacy Policy
22 Jul 2021 · Vogosen adheres to the highest standard of privacy. We do not share any information with 3rd parties whatsoever.