Latest Posts on ESG with Keyword “ontology”

Thumbnail for post Vogosen Adds New Free SDG Goal Identifier Tool to the List of Free ESG Tools
NewsJiulin Teng
Vogosen Adds New Free SDG Goal Identifier Tool to the List of Free ESG Tools
25 Jan 2022 · Vogosen is pleased to announce that a new SDG Goal Identifier Tool has just joined our ESG Materiality Mapping Tool and SASB-SDG Mapping Tool in our list of Free ESG Tools.
Thumbnail for post NLP-Driven Systems in AI-Powered ESG Information Systems
ConceptJiulin Teng
NLP-Driven Systems in AI-Powered ESG Information Systems
05 Dec 2021 · ESG has its own language that necessitates a distinct approach to applying Natural Language Processing (NLP) in an ESG information system. In this post, we discuss this with regards to AI features such as classification, ontology, and sentiment analysis.